I was VERY suspicious about COVID-19 from the start since the first reports coming out of China showed people dying in the streets and being covered with sheets where they fell. I never saw that happen again in any Western city. So this was either a different disease OR propaganda!
Messaging was deceptive from the start, like when Fauci first said no one needed to wear a mask, but later pontificated that you must wear up to two masks. And now he recently testified before Congress that the 6-foot rule was a made-up.
It is the law that if there were any alternative treatments for COVID-19, that emergency use authorization could not be granted for a vaccine.
Enter Hydroxychloroquine. From the start, I tracked Africa because they took Hydroxychloroquine weekly for Malaria.
I started tracking deaths in Nigeria and other African Countries and I noticed that very few people were dying in Africa!
As of today, Nigeria has 3,155 deaths in a population of 213 million. The United States had 1,217,000 deaths in a population of 331 million.
Why did the United States have one of the worst outcomes in the world?